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DIY Diwali Lighting Decorations That Will Blow Your Mind – Get Inspired Now!

Choosing the right lighting decorations for Diwali can often be overwhelming given the wide array of options. Recognized as “the festival of lights“, Diwali is celebrated with gleaming candles, colorful lamps, and vivid rangolis creating a breathtaking spectacle.

This article provides you with a curated list covering various types of beautiful Diwali lights and decoration ideas – from traditional diyas to modern string lights – ensuring your home shines the brightest this festive season.

Dive in and light up your celebrations with our sparkling illumination guide!

Key Takeaways

  • Diwali is a bright festival with lots of light decorations. It has traditional Diya candles, Door Toran with Hanging Diyas, and mini lanterns.
  • Electric lights like LEDs and electric diyas are easy to use for Diwali decor. They also help save energy!
  • Personal gifts for Diwali can be fun rings dishes or t-shirts marking someone’s first festival.
  • Home decor items such as Urli Bowl, handmade mats and Indian Vilakku add extra charm during the Festival of Lights.
  • Tea holders in different shades give more glow to homes during this special time!

Types of Diwali Lights

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Illuminate your home and embrace the spirit of Diwali with different types of festive lights, such as traditional Diya candles, enchanting Door Toran with Hanging Diyas, charming Mini Diwali Lanterns, easy-to-use Electric LEDs and more.

Experiment with creative lighting options like Paper Lantern Akash Kandil or Hand Crafted Paper Flower Rangoli to add a unique touch to your decor. For a regal and timeless look opt for Brass Shankh Chakra DIYA.

Don’t be afraid to explore and choose light decorations that best match your personal style and celebrate this festival of lights in all its glory.

Diwali Diya Candles

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Diwali Diya candles are fun to use. They light up our home during the “Festival of Lights”. These candles are made from clay. They can hold oil and a cotton wick to burn. Often, people paint them with bright colors.

We fill them with oil or ghee and light the wick. Then we place them around our house for decoration on Diwali night. The tiny flames shine brightly in dark areas! The warm glow brings joy to our hearts as well! Many say this glow wins over darkness—just like good defeats evil.

Door Toran with Hanging Diyas

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Door Toran with Hanging Diyas is a famous light decoration for Diwali. It is a kind of door hangings made from flowers, mango leaves or other shiny material. It often holds earthen lamps called diyas.

This decoration adds beauty to the home entrance. People put oil in these diyas and lit them at night for a bright glow. The Door Toran welcomes guests with its beautiful lights.

The glowing diya on the Door Toran shows the joy of Diwali Festival. This decorated item fights off darkness, like how good wins over evil in life’s stories. With this great thought, people enjoy setting up Door Torans with Hanging Diyas during Diwali.

Mini Diwali Lanterns

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You can light up your home with mini Diwali lanterns. They are small but make a strong style statement. You can hang them in rows or scatter them around your house. Some people put lights inside these tiny lanterns to make them even brighter.

These little lamps give the glow of joy and victory during the festival of lights, which is Diwali. Mini Diwali Lanterns blend well with other lighting decorations like diyas and led string lights for a complete look.

Use this decoration light idea for Diwali to create a beautiful home full of color and glow!

Electric Diyas

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Electric Diyas are a top pick for Diwali. They bring out the true feel of this light festival without any risk. Unlike clay lamps, these lights don’t need oil or wicks. As they use LED tech, you get to save energy too.

Just put them where you wish and turn them on! You can keep them around kids as well. With Electric Diyas, your Diwali will shine all night long in safe and easy ways!

Electric LED String Lights

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Electric LED string lights are a big hit at Diwali. They light up the whole place and look just like stars in the sky. You can put them on your roof, around windows, or even wrap them around trees.

These lights use less power and last longer than normal bulbs. This makes them better for our planet too! So, you get to enjoy bright lights and save energy during Diwali with these LED string lights.

Paper Lantern Akash Kandil

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A Paper Lantern Akash Kandil is a bright way to light up Diwali. Most people use it for decoration because it’s easy to hang anywhere. It also brings color and beauty into the home.

The paper lantern shines brightly, just like the glow of earthen lamps at this special time.

Making an Akash Kandil or buying one is part of getting ready for Diwali, the Festival of Lights. You can see them hanging in homes all over India and other places that celebrate Diwali too! The lanterns may be simple or fancy with lots of designs and colors.

There are even some with lights inside so they sparkle in the dark night sky during Diwali celebrations.

Hand Crafted Paper Flower Rangoli

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Making a hand crafted paper flower rangoli is fun. These decorations are filled with color. Kids and adults can make them together. The flowers are cut from colored paper. Then they are put in different shapes like circle, square or star on the floor to form a rangoli design.

Glue is used to stick the flowers down so it does not blow away with wind! This adds beauty to Diwali decor at home and outside too. Bright colors used in these rangolis stand for joy and laughter during Diwali, which is known for its lights and happiness!

Brass Shankh Chakra Diya

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Shankh Chakra Diya is a lamp of brass made in special shapes. Its form is like the shankh and chakra, two important symbols in Hindu religion. People use it on Diwali for light decoration home ideas.

It oozes charm and glow with its bright flame that can fight even the darkest night, just as we see on Diwali – win of light over darkness. This Brass Shankh Chakra diya helps fulfill this belief by spreading its warm white glow around the house.

The sound construction from brass also makes it long-lasting and safe to use during this joyous festive season of lights known to all as Diwali.

Personalized Diwali Gifts

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Catering to the individual tastes and preferences of your loved ones, personalized Diwali gifts such as customized ring dishes, uniquely designed t-shirts commemorating someone’s first Diwali, and special festive baby shirts offer a unique touch to this year’s celebration.

Diwali Ring Dish

A Diwali ring dish is a small bowl used to hold rings. It can be a great gift for the festival of lights. These dishes are often made from clay or ceramic and have beautiful designs on them.

You can find these dishes in different colors and shapes. Some even sport pictures of lamps, sparklers, and other things linked to Diwali. They show victory of light over darkness and good over evil, just like Diwali does!

Diwali Personalized Gift

A Diwali Personalized Gift can make the festival shine bright. Think about a gift made just for your friend or family member! It may be a mug with their name on it, or a photo frame that brings back sweet memories.

Every time they see the gift, they will think of you and feel loved. This kind of gift is special. It shows them that you took time to find something that is one-of-a-kind, just like them! So this year, put some extra thought into your Diwali gifts by personalizing them.

Make this Festival of Lights colorful with thoughtful actions and warm words for those close to you.

First Diwali Shirt

A First Diwali Shirt can be a fun gift. This shirt marks the first time someone is celebrating Diwali. It is like a badge of honor that shows one’s pride in being part of this bright festival for the very first time.

The shirt could have special designs and motifs linked to Diwali, such as lamps or firecrackers. Some people might even get their names printed on them. These shirts come in all sizes, from small kids to grown-ups!+.

My 1st Diwali Baby Shirt

Having a baby’s first Diwali is special. Make it even more memorable with the “My 1st Diwali Baby Shirt”. This shirt is made just for babies. It comes in many sizes so that all little ones can wear their festive dress with pride.

Parents love to see their babies in this unique shirt during Diwali festivities! The cute design of the shirt adds extra sparkle to your child’s first festival of lights.

Diwali Home Decorations

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Prepare your home for Diwali with everything from decorative Urli bowls to elegantly crafted floral mats, PVC diyas and Indian electric vilakku. Discover how these special items can enhance the festive ambiance in our upcoming section.

Diwali Decorative Urli Bowl

A Diwali Decorative Urli Bowl is an exciting item. You can see this deep, round pot made from brass or bronze in many homes during Diwali. People fill the urli with water and float candles or flowers on top for decoration.

It’s a surefire way to bring a slice of Indian tradition into your home. Some even place it at their front door as a warm welcome to guests! Beautiful patterns and designs are carved into the sides of these bowls, adding extra charm.

Rangoli Set

A Rangoli set is a must-have for Diwali. This set has all you need to make bright and beautiful designs on your floor. Rangoli art adds color to your home during this festival of lights.

Using a Rangoli set can turn this task into fun family time. The joy in making these designs together matches the joy of the Diwali celebration itself.

Handmade Floral Mats

Handmade floral mats are a great pick for Diwali. Each mat shows the skill of the maker. They use bright colors and detailed designs to make each flower stand out. These mats can light up any room.

On Diwali, they bring joy, charm, and a warm feeling into your house. Handmade floral mats also stick to the spirit of Diwali – a win of light over darkness!

Made in India PVC Diya

Made in India PVC Diya is a lovely way to light up your home for Diwali. This type of diya gets made using PVC, a strong plastic. It’s great news because they are easy to clean and hard to break.

Coming from India, these diyas carry the true spirit of the Festival of Lights.

These charming lights can make any space feel special. You will love their warm glow that reminds us of good over evil. Each one is perfect for indoor or outdoor use on Diwali night! Their sparkling light adds joyous radiance during this grand celebration everywhere around the world.

Made in India Electric Vilakku

The Electric Vilakku is a must-have for Diwali. It’s made in India and gives off a bright and warm glow. This light is electric, so you don’t need to use oil or fire. It’s safe and easy to take care of too.

Use it inside your house or put it outside on the porch. People love the rich color and elegant design of this Vilakku. Light it up at night for the full effect!

Made in India 10 units of PVC diya

Made in India 10 units of PVC diya is a great buy. These diyas are made of strong and durable plastic. They do not break easily like clay ones so you can use them again next Diwali.

The pack has 10 units which means more light for your home. It also saves time as you don’t have to buy new ones each year. Plus, they are “made in India”. This means buying them helps the people who make these items right here at home.

Diwali Tea Light Holders

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Illuminate your Diwali celebrations with an array of Tea Light Holders, available in assorted colors, luxurious golds, and varying shades. For a unique touch, consider Beaded Pearl Tealight Holders or purchase wholesale for larger gatherings.

These tiny radiant pieces serve as a beacon of prosperity and happiness during the Festival of Lights.

Assorted Color Tea Light Holders

Assorted color tea light holders are a top pick for Diwali. They add striking shades to the room as they glow in the dark. People love them because they can switch up colors every night.

Also, many find joy in picking out unique designs and cuts for each holder.

Each glowing light fights off darkness, a strong symbol during Diwali festivities. The radiant colors reflect on people’s faces filling rooms with charm and calmness. Using these assorted color tea light holders is surely one way of joining into this great festival of lights!

Golden Color Tea Light Holders

Golden color tea light holders are great for Diwali. They shine with charm and make your house look grand. The golden hue is bright and warm, just like the Diwali lights. These holders go well with other decorations too.

You can put them on tables or hang them from walls. They also help keep the tea light candles safe when lit up during this festival of lights.

Multi-color Tea Light Holders

Multi-color tea light holders are a sight to see. They will add bright colors to your Diwali decor. These little candle cups have clear sides. The glow from the candles in them makes pretty colors on the walls and table.

You can use them with any color of tea lights you like. Mix and match for a fun look, or stick with one color for each night of Diwali.

Beaded Pearl Tealight Holder

The Beaded Pearl Tealight Holder glows bright on Diwali. It holds a small candle inside. The beads and pearls make the light dance in many colors. Put it anywhere in your house to bring joy.

Beast of all, it looks like a pretty jewelry box when not lit up.

Wholesale Tea Light Holders

You can buy tea light holders in large amounts. These are called wholesale tea light holders. They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. You can get them for a low price because you buy many at once.

Wholesale tea light holders add more glow to your Diwali lights. Using them helps make the festival bright and fun. They also keep your candles safe from wind and give a good look to your home decor for Diwali.

Diwali Clothing

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Embrace the festive spirit with specialized clothing such as Happy Diwali shirts for men, women and children or make it extra special with a personalized first Diwali tee.

Happy Diwali Shirt

You can strut in style during the festival of lights with a Happy Diwali shirt. These shirts are fun and festive. They come in many colors and sizes to fit all. The stylish design shows off a bright, cheerful “Happy Diwali” message.

This shirt makes you stand out at Diwali parties or family get-togethers. It’s not only good for wearing but also makes a great gift choice! So, don’t wait too long – get your Happy Diwali shirt now before the big day arrives!

Diwali Shirts for Women

Women love to dress up for Diwali. One cool way is by wearing Diwali-themed shirts. These are fun and trendy tops with festive designs. The shirts often have words like “Happy Diwali” printed on them.

Some even come in bright colors to match the lights of the festival. Others have sparkles that add extra shine. You can wear these shirts at home or when you go out to celebrate with friends or family!

Happy Diwali Kids Shirt

Kiddos can join in the Diwali fun with a Happy Diwali Kids Shirt. This shirt has festive designs that make it perfect for the holiday! Cute pictures of candles and sparklers will glow on this comfy top.

It comes in many sizes, so all kids can wear one. Your child will love to show off their special Diwali shirt. It makes them part of the festival’s joy and light. Make sure you get a Happy Diwali Kids Shirt this year!

Personalized First Diwali Tee

A Personalized First Diwali Tee is perfect for kids celebrating their first Festival of Lights. You can print the child’s name on this cute shirt. It adds more joy to the special day.

This tee, made from great-quality cloth, feels soft against a child’s skin. Kids love wearing it due to its bright colors – fitting with the vividness of Diwali! Parents also find it easy to wash and clean after a long day of fun and games during celebrations.

Diwali Candle Gifts

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Explore the enchanting world of Diwali candle gifts, including henna tealight candles and handpainted creations, to add a unique charm and warmth to your celebrations. Dive into more insights on these festive illuminations by continuing to read.

Henna Tealight Candles

Henna Tealight Candles are special. They shine bright in the night and make your house look lovely at Diwali. People put henna designs on these candles. This is an art from India that uses plant-based dye.

The patterns are flowery and intricate, like lace work. It adds a warm feel to any room and helps make your Diwali night a memory of light winning over darkness.

Satin Ribbon Handpainted Diwali Candles

Satin Ribbon Handpainted Diwali Candles are a great gift. They glow bright and bring joy to any room. Each candle is special and unique, as they are hand-painted with care. The satin ribbons add a touch of charm.

They come in every color you can think of! You can use them to light up your home during Diwali or give them out as gifts. These candles look beautiful when placed on the rangoli or by the window side.

Their glow adds warmth to the festival of lights, turning darkness into light and evil into good.

Set of 50 Assorted Colorful Tea Light Candles

You can make Diwali shine bright with a set of 50 assorted colorful tea light candles. These tiny flames add charm to your home, each giving off vibrant colors. From red, green, blue, and every shade in between! In the Festival of Lights, people love using these candles.

They don’t cost much but bring so much joy and light over evil.

Tips for Diwali Lighting Decoration

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To celebrate Diwali with beauty and safety, choose lights that complement your home aesthetic, create an inviting ambience for guests, utilize energy-efficient LED options where possible, and always follow lighting safety guidelines to avoid risks.

Choosing the right lights

Picking the right lights for Diwali can be a fun job. Bright colors like blue, green, and red are great choices. Many people love warm white lamps too. These give off a soft light that looks good with clay pots and rangoli designs.

You can also try electric LED string lights to get a modern glow at your home during this festival of lights. But no matter what you pick, make sure it adds joy to your celebration and keeps safety in mind all times.

Creating an inviting ambiance

Use light to make your home feel warm and welcoming for Diwali. Fill every corner with the glow of lamps, candles and electric lights. An easy trick is to use many tea lights in different colors and sizes.

Also, add a charm by hanging paper lanterns at doorways.

Make sure the light is soft not too bright or dim. You can mix white lamps with colorful LED string lights for a fun look. People say that good lighting brings out the joy in Diwali celebration.

So don’t miss out on it!

Safety precautions

Be smart when you use lights for Diwali. Keep all candles away from things that burn easily like paper. Clip string lights on walls or roofs, don’t nail them! Turn off all the lights before going to bed or leaving home.

Check every light bulb and wire for damage. Kids should not handle electric decorations alone. These safety steps can make your Diwali safe and fun!

DIY Diwali Lighting Decorations

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In this section, we will delve into an exciting world of DIY Diwali lighting decorations where you can engage your creative flair to make handmade Diya craft kits, craft beautiful paper lanterns, and create vibrant flower rangolis – all elements that boost the festive ambiance.

Handmade Diya Craft Kit

A Handmade Diya Craft Kit is a fun way to join in the Diwali joy. The kit contains all you need to create your own clay lamps or “diyas”. Kids and adults can shape, paint and decorate these diyas.

This craft project also helps them learn more about Diwali’s meaning. Each diya lights up a part of the house, beating darkness with its warm glow. These homemade diyas add a personal touch to the festive decor.

They are great for gifts too! So, get this craft kit and let your creative spirit shine bright this Diwali!

Making paper lanterns

Making paper lanterns is a fun project. It is also a way to brighten up your Diwali decor. Here are the steps:

  1. Gather light paper, scissors, and glue.
  2. Cut the paper into a rectangle.
  3. Fold the paper in half lengthwise.
  4. Make cuts along the fold line, but don’t cut all the way across.
  5. Roll the paper to form a tube.
  6. Glue or tape the short ends together.
  7. Punch holes at the top and thread with string for hanging.

Creating a flower rangoli

Creating a flower rangoli is a fun and colorful task. First, pick many flowers in different colors. Then, draw the outline of your design on the floor. Now you can start by placing your flowers one by one into the outline. You can make full use of different shades to make it vibrant. Doing this brings out the beauty in your home for Diwali. It also spreads an aroma that is fresh and natural. This is an old custom that people love during the festival. Making a flower rangoli is not hard and helps keep the tradition alive. So, get ready with all your pretty flowers!


p79351 Conclusion 4e6a80ebb7 956729345Diwali fills hearts with joy and homes with light. Making your home shine bright is part of the fun! Choose from all types of lights to glow in the night. See how special Diwali feels with a well-lit home.


1. What is lighting decoration for Diwali?

Lighting decoration for Diwali involves using various lights and lamps to create beautiful setups in homes during the festival of Diwali.

2. Can you share some light decoration ideas for Diwali?

There are many ways to use lights for Diwali decoration, such as hanging fairy lights around windows or creating patterns with lamp decorations on your balcony.

3. How can I use home decoration lights for Diwali?

Home lighting decor for diwali could be used in creative ways like arranging colourful LED bulbs at door frames, placing small lanterns on pathways, or making vivid Rangoli designs using tiny diya lamps.

4. Is it possible to have a full diwali light decoration with just household items?

Absolutely! You can recycle old bottles or jars into holder of fairy lights; turn unused yarns into cute lantern covers; it’s all about adding creativity to your home lighting decorations this festive season.

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