p90963 is sensodyne cruelty free 8c015f6351 2762383177

Is Sensodyne Cruelty-Free? Uncover The Secretes

Ever questioned if your favorite toothpaste, Sensodyne, is cruelty-free? Turns out it’s a much bigger ethical issue than we thought. In this blog post, we’ll dig deep into Sensodyne’s animal testing practices and cruelty-free status.

Stick around; you might be surprised by what you uncover!

Key Takeaways

  • Sensodyne tests on animals and sells its products in China, where animal testing is required.
  • Sensodyne is not certified as cruelty – free by any organizations and does not have the PETA logo.
  • Although some versions of Sensodyne toothpaste may be vegan, the overall brand cannot be classified as completely vegan or cruelty-free.
  • There are alternative cruelty – free and vegan toothpaste brands available such as SuperBee, etee, Humble Co., Mintly, Bite, Georganics, Dr. Bronner’s, Green Beaver, and ScentCerae.

Sensodyne and Animal Testing

p90963 Sensodyne and Animal Testing 867d325aed 74461167

Sensodyne has faced scrutiny regarding its animal testing practices, with questions arising about whether the brand tests on animals and sells in China where animal testing is required.

Does Sensodyne test on animals?

p90963 Does Sensodyne test on animals 35a4392c55 557734161

Yes, Sensodyne tests on animals. It is a must because they sell their products in places that need it. China is one of these places. Not just that, but also their parent firm, GlaxoSmithKline does the same thing.

So, sadly we find out that this popular brand for sore teeth does not support animal rights and welfare. In short, Sensodyne can’t be called cruelty-free at all.

Does Sensodyne sell in China?

p90963 Does Sensodyne sell in China c6dcb80926 739011398

Is Sensodyne owned by a parent company that tests on animals?

p90963 Is Sensodyne owned by a parent company that tests on animals 69efdbf7bb 475426594

Yes, Sensodyne does have a parent company. The name of this company is GlaxoSmithKline. This company still tests on animals. So, because its parent company does this, we can’t call Sensodyne a cruelty-free brand.

They are part of the testing as well since they are owned by GlaxoSmithKline.

Certification and Cruelty-Free Status

p90963 Certification and Cruelty Free Status 9237d3d201 246670844

Sensodyne’s certification and cruelty-free status is an important factor to consider when determining if the brand tests on animals.

Is Sensodyne certified cruelty-free by any organizations?

p90963 Is Sensodyne certified cruelty free by any organizations ccddbfbb06 788353764

Sensodyne is not certified as cruelty-free by any organizations. Although Sensodyne claims some of its toothpaste is “vegan” and does not contain animal products, it still chooses to sell in a country that requires animal testing.

Additionally, its parent company, GlaxoSmithKline, also tests on animals. Sensodyne does not have the PETA logo, which indicates that it is not recognized as a cruelty-free brand. Therefore, if you are looking for certified cruelty-free options, there are other brands available that meet those criteria.

How do you determine if brands like Sensodyne are cruelty-free?

p90963 How do you determine if brands like Sensodyne are cruelty free 0a8328c7ed 560309721

To determine if brands like Sensodyne are cruelty-free, you can look for certifications from trusted organizations, like PETA or Leaping Bunny. These certifications indicate that the brand has met certain criteria and does not test on animals.

Additionally, you can check the brand’s website or packaging for statements about their cruelty-free policy and whether they sell in countries like China, where animal testing is required.

It’s important to research and consider multiple sources of information to make an informed decision about a brand’s cruelty-free status.

Sensodyne’s Vegan Status

p90963 Sensodyne's Vegan Status 5e06f2400d 752660949

Sensodyne is not only cruelty-free but also offers vegan toothpaste options, making it a great choice for individuals looking for ethical and animal-friendly oral care products.

Is Sensodyne vegan?

p90963 Is Sensodyne vegan 9f14505386 781496268

Sensodyne claims that some of its toothpaste is “vegan,” meaning it does not contain any animal products or ingredients derived from animals. However, it’s important to note that Sensodyne is not certified as a vegan brand.

Additionally, Sensodyne’s parent company, GlaxoSmithKline, conducts animal testing and is not considered cruelty-free. So while some versions of Sensodyne toothpaste may be free from animal-derived ingredients, the overall brand cannot be classified as completely vegan or cruelty-free.

Alternative Cruelty-Free Toothpaste Brands

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Here are some alternative cruelty-free toothpaste brands to consider: SuperBee, etee, Humble Co., Mintly, Bite, Georganics, Dr. Bronner’s, Green Beaver, and ScentCerae.

List of cruelty-free and vegan toothpaste brands

p90963 List of cruelty free and vegan toothpaste brands f9196bd301 492268755

Here are some cruelty-free and vegan toothpaste brands that you can consider:

  • SuperBee
  • etee
  • Humble Co.
  • Mintly
  • Bite
  • Georganics
  • Dr. Bronner’s
  • Green Beaver
  • ScentCerae


SuperBee is one of the alternative cruelty-free toothpaste brands that you can choose instead of Sensodyne. SuperBee offers toothpaste options that are both cruelty-free and vegan, meaning they do not test on animals and do not contain any animal products or by-products.

By choosing SuperBee, you can support a brand that aligns with your values of animal welfare and ethical practices while still taking care of your oral health.


p90963 etee b26bed9333 552092901

etee is a cruelty-free and vegan toothpaste brand that provides an alternative to Sensodyne. Unlike Sensodyne and other major toothpaste brands, etee does not test on animals or use any animal-derived ingredients in their products.

They are committed to ethical practices and do not support animal testing. By choosing etee, you can be confident that your toothpaste is both effective and cruelty-free.

Humble Co.

Another alternative to Sensodyne is Humble Co. They offer a range of cruelty-free and vegan toothpaste options that are gentle on sensitive teeth. Humble Co. is committed to creating products that are not tested on animals and do not contain any animal-derived ingredients.

By choosing Humble Co., you can support a brand that prioritizes ethical practices and the well-being of animals.


Mintly is a toothpaste brand that offers cruelty-free and vegan options for those looking to make ethical choices. Unlike Sensodyne, Mintly does not test on animals or support animal testing.

They have made a commitment to creating products that are both effective and compassionate towards animals. If you’re searching for an alternative to Sensodyne that aligns with your values, Mintly is a great choice.

It’s important to support brands like Mintly that prioritize animal welfare and offer cruelty-free options.


Bite is one of the alternative toothpaste brands that you can choose if you’re looking for cruelty-free and vegan options. Unlike Sensodyne and other major toothpaste brands, Bite does not conduct any animal testing on their products.

They are committed to creating toothpaste that is both effective and ethically produced. With Bite, you can have peace of mind knowing that your oral care routine aligns with your values and doesn’t harm animals in any way.


Georganics is a toothpaste brand that offers cruelty-free and vegan options. Unlike Sensodyne, Georganics does not test on animals or support animal testing in any way. They have been certified as cruelty-free by various organizations and do not use any ingredients derived from animals.

If you’re looking for an alternative to Sensodyne that aligns with your values of animal welfare, Georganics is a great choice.

Dr. Bronner’s

Dr. Bronner’s is a cruelty-free and vegan toothpaste brand that offers an alternative to Sensodyne. They do not test their products on animals, and they have the Leaping Bunny certification to prove it.

Dr. Bronner’s toothpaste is also made with natural ingredients and does not contain any animal-derived ingredients. So if you’re looking for a toothpaste that aligns with your values and is kind to animals, Dr.

Bronner’s is a great choice!

Green Beaver

Green Beaver is a cruelty-free and vegan toothpaste brand that offers an alternative to Sensodyne. Unlike major toothpaste brands like Colgate and Crest, Green Beaver does not test on animals.

They also do not use any animal-derived ingredients in their products, making them suitable for vegans. With a focus on ethical practices and animal rights, Green Beaver has gained recognition as a cruelty-free skincare brand.

By choosing Green Beaver, you can support animal welfare and make a compassionate choice for your oral care routine.


ScentCerae is a cruelty-free and vegan toothpaste brand that offers an alternative to Sensodyne. Unlike major toothpaste brands like Colgate and Crest, ScentCerae does not test on animals.

They are committed to providing products that are both effective for sensitive teeth and kind to animals. If you’re looking for an ethical option when it comes to oral care, ScentCerae is a great choice.


p90963 Conclusion 98ec2fea6b 3770615875

In conclusion, Sensodyne is not a cruelty-free brand. Although they claim some of their toothpaste is vegan and do not contain animal products, they choose to sell in China where animal testing is required.

Additionally, Sensodyne’s parent company, GlaxoSmithKline, also tests on animals. It’s important to explore alternative cruelty-free and vegan toothpaste brands that align with our values and ethics.

Further Resources for Cruelty-Free Products

p90963 Further Resources for Cruelty Free Products 88cfa2f889 703941336

To find more cruelty-free products, you can check out websites and guides like Cruelty-Free Kitty, PETA, and EthicalPixie. They provide comprehensive lists and information to help you make informed choices about your skincare and personal care purchases.

Websites and guides for finding cruelty-free products

Here are some websites and guides that can help you find cruelty-free products:

  1. Cruelty-Free Kitty: This website provides an extensive list of cruelty-free brands, including toothpaste options, and regularly updates its information to ensure accuracy.
  2. PETA: The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) website offers a searchable database of cruelty-free companies, including toothpaste brands. They also have a “Beauty Without Bunnies” certification program to guide consumers.
  3. EthicalPixie: This online resource provides comprehensive information on cruelty-free and vegan products, including toothpaste, and helps you make informed choices by highlighting brands that meet ethical standards.

Cruelty-Free Kitty

If you’re looking for more information on cruelty-free products, a great resource is Cruelty-Free Kitty. They provide a comprehensive and up-to-date database of brands that do not test on animals.

You can search for specific companies or browse through various categories to find alternatives to brands like Sensodyne. Cruelty-Free Kitty also offers additional resources and guides to help you make informed choices when it comes to cruelty-free products.

So, if you’re passionate about animal rights and want to support ethical brands, be sure to check out Cruelty-Free Kitty for all the information you need.


PETA, which stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, is an organization that focuses on animal rights. They work towards ending animal cruelty and promoting ethical practices in industries.

PETA has a logo that certifies products as being cruelty-free, meaning they are not tested on animals. However, Sensodyne does not have the PETA logo, indicating that it is not considered a cruelty-free brand by PETA.

If you are looking for toothpaste brands that align with PETA’s standards, there are other options available.


EthicalPixie is a great resource for finding cruelty-free products, including toothpaste. They provide information on brands that do not test on animals and are committed to ethical practices.

You can visit their website for guides and recommendations on cruelty-free toothpaste options, as well as other skincare and beauty products. By supporting cruelty-free brands like Sensodyne, you can make a positive impact on animal testing practices and choose products that align with your personal values.

The Importance of Going Cruelty-Free

p90963 The Importance of Going Cruelty Free 4c2aae8d45 882130650

Choosing cruelty-free products is essential for animal welfare, the environment, and our own values. Discover why going cruelty-free matters and how it can make a difference. Read more to learn about the impact of your choices and how you can support brands that prioritize compassion over cruelty.

Reasons to choose cruelty-free products

There are many reasons why choosing cruelty-free products is important:

  1. Animal welfare: By opting for cruelty-free products, you help protect animals from unnecessary testing and suffering.
  2. Environmental impact: Many cruelty-free brands prioritize sustainable practices that are better for the planet, such as using natural ingredients and eco-friendly packaging.
  3. Personal values and ethics: Supporting cruelty-free brands allows you to align your purchasing choices with your beliefs and stand up against animal cruelty.
  4. Health considerations: Cruelty-free products often use safer, non-animal tested ingredients, which can be better for your health.
  5. Availability of alternatives: With a growing number of cruelty-free options on the market, there is no need to support companies that engage in animal testing.

Animal welfare

Sensodyne’s animal testing practices raise concerns about animal welfare. Although the company claims that some of its toothpaste is “vegan” and does not contain animal-derived ingredients, Sensodyne is not a cruelty-free skincare brand.

They choose to sell their products in China, where animal testing for cosmetics is required by law. Additionally, Sensodyne’s parent company GlaxoSmithKline is known to test on animals.

These practices indicate that Sensodyne prioritizes profit over the well-being of animals. For people who prioritize animal welfare, there are alternative cruelty-free and vegan toothpaste brands available as ethical alternatives to Sensodyne.

Environmental impact

Sensodyne’s animal testing practices have a significant environmental impact. Animal testing involves using resources like water, chemicals, and energy, which can contribute to pollution and waste.

Additionally, the disposal of animals after testing can also have negative effects on the environment. By choosing cruelty-free alternatives to Sensodyne that do not test on animals, individuals can help reduce their environmental footprint and support brands that prioritize sustainable practices.

Personal values and ethics

Choosing cruelty-free products like toothpaste aligns with our personal values and ethics. It shows that we care about the well-being of animals and want to support companies that prioritize their welfare.

By opting for toothpaste brands that do not test on animals, we are taking a stand against animal cruelty and contributing to a more compassionate world. Additionally, choosing cruelty-free options also reflects our commitment to environmental sustainability.

Many cruelty-free toothpaste brands use natural and eco-friendly ingredients, reducing the impact on the planet while still providing effective oral care solutions. Making these choices allows us to live in alignment with our beliefs and make a positive difference through everyday actions.

Spread Awareness

p90963 Spread Awareness 5ba832ad10 898594979

Spread the knowledge about cruelty-free brands like Sensodyne and encourage others to make compassionate choices in their everyday lives.

Share the knowledge about cruelty-free brands like Sensodyne

Spread the word about cruelty-free brands like Sensodyne. There are other toothpaste options that do not test on animals or contain animal-derived ingredients. Brands like SuperBee, etee, Humble Co., Mintly, Bite, Georganics, Dr.

Bronner’s, Green Beaver, and ScentCerae offer vegan and cruelty-free alternatives to Sensodyne. By sharing this information with others, we can encourage more people to make compassionate choices when it comes to their oral care routine.

Let’s work together to support brands that prioritize animal welfare and promote cruelty-free practices.

Encourage others to make cruelty-free choices

Let’s spread awareness and encourage others to make cruelty-free choices. By choosing toothpaste brands that are certified cruelty-free and vegan, we can make a difference in the lives of animals.

Sensodyne, unfortunately, is not a cruelty-free brand as it conducts animal testing and sells its products in countries where this practice is required. However, there are many alternative toothpaste brands available that do not test on animals and are vegan-friendly.

We can share this knowledge with others and help them find these ethical options. Together, we can support companies that prioritize animal welfare and make a positive impact on the world.

Thank you for Going Cruelty-Free

p90963 Thank you for Going Cruelty Free 5b19f782f2 302255109

Thank you for taking the step to go cruelty-free and choosing products that prioritize animal welfare. Your decision makes a difference in reducing the demand for animal testing and supports brands that are committed to ethical practices.

Together, we can create a world where animals are not exploited for our personal care needs.

Appreciation for readers who choose cruelty-free products

Thank you to all the readers who choose cruelty-free products. By making this choice, you are taking a stand against animal testing and promoting ethical practices in the skincare and beauty industry.

Your decision not only benefits animals but also has a positive impact on the environment. Your support for brands that prioritize animal welfare is crucial in creating a demand for more cruelty-free options.

Together, we can make a difference and inspire others to join us in choosing products that align with our values and ethics.

The impact of individual choices on animal testing practices

Our individual choices have a significant impact on animal testing practices. When we choose to support brands that conduct or require animal testing, we contribute to the continuation of this practice.

For example, major toothpaste brands like Sensodyne test their products on animals and some even sell in countries where animal testing is mandatory. By purchasing these products, we indirectly support and validate their use of animals for testing.

However, by making informed choices and opting for cruelty-free and vegan alternatives, we can help reduce the demand for animal testing. There are many cruelty-free toothpaste brands available that do not test on animals or use any animal-derived ingredients.

By supporting these companies instead, we send a message to manufacturers that there is a market for ethical and compassionate products.

It’s important to remember that our individual choices matter. By choosing cruelty-free options and encouraging others to do the same, we can create a collective movement towards ending animal testing practices in the cosmetic industry.


1. Is Sensodyne a cruelty-free brand?

No, Sensodyne is not considered to be a cruelty-free brand as they do test their products on animals.

2. Does Sensodyne conduct animal testing for their toothpaste?

Yes, Sensodyne does conduct animal testing for their toothpaste to ensure its safety and effectiveness.

3. Are there any alternatives to Sensodyne that are cruelty-free?

Yes, there are many cruelty-free toothpaste brands available in the market that do not test on animals. Some examples include Tom’s of Maine, Jason Natural, and Desert Essence.

4. Why is it important to use cruelty-free products like toothpaste?

Using cruelty-free products helps support ethical practices and prevents harm to animals during product testing.

5. How can I find out if a certain brand or product is cruelty-free?

You can check for certification from organizations such as Leaping Bunny or PETA that indicate whether a brand or product is considered cruelty-free. Additionally, you can visit the brand’s website or contact them directly for more information about their animal-testing policies.

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