Understanding the Vastu Principles Can Kitchen Be Located in Vayu Moola 132440529

Unlock the Secrets: Can Kitchen Be in Vayu Moola for Perfect Home Harmony?

Ever questioned whether the location of your kitchen could be influencing the harmony in your home? You’re not alone. Many of us have found ourselves diving into ancient Vastu principles which guide the design and organization of our living spaces.

With traditional Indian architecture holding Agni Moola as the ideal spot for kitchens, it’s intriguing to ponder what happens when one is located elsewhere, say in a Vayu Moola. This blog will delve into this fascinating concept and offer insights on whether a North-West kitchen aligns with Vastu guidelines or not.

Stick around till the end – you might just discover that cooking has an entirely new spiritual dimension waiting to be explored!

Key Takeaways

  • Vastu is an ancient Indian architectural science that focuses on the design and layout of spaces to create positive energy flow.
  • According to Vastu principles, the ideal location for a kitchen is in the Southeast corner or South East direction of the house.
  • If it’s not possible to place the kitchen in these ideal directions, an alternative option is the Northwest corner, but it may not have the same benefits as a Vastu-compliant placement.
  • Important factors to consider for a Vastucompliant kitchen include proper ventilation, spaciousness for easy movement, and placement of key items such as sink, stove, refrigerator, storage cabinets, and dining table.

Can Kitchen Be in Vayu Moola: Overview of Vastu Principles

A photo of a traditional Indian home with Vastu elements.

Vastu is an ancient Indian architectural science that encompasses the principles of design, layout, and spatial arrangement to harmonize energy flow in a space. It holds significant importance in Indian culture and is believed to bring positive vibes and prosperity to a home.

What is Vastu?

Vastu is an old Indian system of design. People use it to set up space in homes and buildings. The goal of Vastu is to bring good energy and wellness into our lives. It uses ideas from nature and direction to help us do this.

For example, we find ways to let more natural light into a room or place things where they can get the most benefit from the sun’s path across the sky. In each home, people think the kitchen holds a lot of power for health and happiness because it gives life through food.

We need good Vastu in our kitchens for this reason! Plus, Vastu has real science behind it, which shows how nature’s own energies can make our spaces better for us.

Importance of Vastu in Indian culture

Vastu holds a big place in Indian culture. It came to us from ancient Indian architecture. Vastu makes our home full of good vibes and luck. Many Indians believe in the power of Vastu for their homes, offices, and other buildings.

They feel that it brings them positive energy and wellbeing. The practice of Vastu aims for peace and prosperity in every area of life. People use it to bring nourishment and growth into their lives.

Using the right guidelines can help keep our kitchen full of good Vastu, which means more positivity in our lives!

Vastu Guidelines for the Kitchen

can kitchen be in vayu moola

The kitchen should be located in the southeast corner of the house, as per Vastu principles.


In Vastu, the kitchen’s direction is very important. You should place your kitchen in the south-east corner of your house. This place is best for kitchens because it gets lots of light and heat from the sun.

But what if you can’t put your kitchen there? Don’t worry! North-west is a good second choice. It brings good luck to your home and keeps bad things away. One more thing- don’t forget about your fridge! It goes in the southwest part of your kitchen, not just anywhere you want!


When it comes to the size of the kitchen in Vastu guidelines, there are a few important things to consider. While specific dimensions or measurements are not mentioned in Vastu principles, it is recommended that the kitchen should be spacious enough to allow for easy movement.

This means that there should be enough room for people to move around comfortably without feeling cramped. Additionally, it is also suggested that the kitchen should be connected to the dining and living areas, creating a sense of unity within the home.

So, when designing a Vastu-compliant kitchen, keep these factors in mind and create a space that promotes both functionality and flow.


Good ventilation is an important aspect of kitchen design according to Vastu guidelines. It helps in ensuring proper air circulation and maintaining a healthy living environment. Adequate ventilation allows for the exchange of indoor and outdoor air, preventing the buildup of cooking fumes and odors.

This not only improves the quality of indoor air but also promotes better respiratory health for everyone in the house. The ideal direction for kitchen ventilation as per Vastu is the east direction, which allows for fresh air intake.

So when designing your kitchen, make sure to consider a well-functioning ventilation system that promotes good airflow and keeps your kitchen free from unwanted odors and pollutants.


When it comes to the layout of the kitchen according to Vastu principles, there are certain guidelines that need to be followed. The ideal location for the kitchen is in the Southeast direction.

If that’s not possible, then the Northwest direction can be considered as an alternative. It’s important to avoid placing the kitchen in the North, West, and Northeast directions. As for the placement of key items like stove or gas oven, they should be placed in either the Southeast corner of the kitchen or in the Northwest part of your plot.

Following these guidelines will help ensure a harmonious and positive flow of energy in your house.

The Significance of North-West Kitchen in Vastu

The North-West kitchen is considered significant in Vastu as it is associated with the element of Vayu Devta, the deity of air. Discover the benefits and principles of having a North-West kitchen and how it can enhance positive energy in your home.

Read on to learn more!

The element of Vayu Devta

The element of Vayu Devta is very important in Vastu principles, especially when it comes to the kitchen. In Vastu, the North-West direction is associated with Vayu, who is known as the wind god.

This direction is considered to have a supportive element for fire, which is essential in the kitchen. When designing a North-West kitchen, we need to consider the principles of Vayu Devta and the elements of air and fire.

This corner of the house is called “sadhagati” and represents the constant flow of air. So having a kitchen in this direction can bring positive energies into your home.

Benefits of a North-West kitchen

I believe that having a kitchen located in the north-west direction of your house can bring many benefits according to Vastu principles. This placement is believed to have a positive impact on the health of the residents, promoting overall well-being.

The energy flow in a north-west kitchen encourages open and clear communication, leading to better understanding and harmony within the household. It is said that this kind of kitchen fosters positive energy and vibrant vibes in the space.

By following Vastu tips for your kitchen, you can create a cooking haven that is filled with positive energy, creating a pleasant environment for preparing meals and spending time with loved ones.

How to Design a Vastu-Compliant Kitchen

To create a Vastu-compliant kitchen, carefully place key items and use specific colors for positive energy flow. Learn more about the design principles in this blog post.

Placement of key items

In a Vastu-compliant kitchen, it’s important to pay attention to the placement of key items. Here are some tips:

  1. Sink placement: The sink should ideally be placed in the North-East or North direction of the kitchen. This is believed to bring prosperity and abundance.
  2. Stove placement: The stove should be positioned in the South-East direction, which is governed by the fire element. This is considered auspicious for preparing meals.
  3. Refrigerator placement: The refrigerator should be placed in the South-West corner of the kitchen. This corner represents stability and grounding energy.
  4. Storage cabinets: It is recommended to have storage cabinets or shelves on the Southern and Western walls of the kitchen. This helps to balance and distribute energy throughout the space.
  5. Dining table: If you have a dining area within your kitchen, place it in the North-West or West direction for positive social interactions during meals.

Use of colors

When designing a Vastu-compliant kitchen, the colors you choose play a crucial role in creating a positive and vibrant atmosphere. Here are some important tips to keep in mind:

  1. Cream, ivory, or yellow: These colors are recommended for a Vastu-compliant kitchen as they bring freshness and a happy ambiance.
  2. White: Considered a pure and positive color according to Vastu principles, white can create a sense of cleanliness and purity in your kitchen.
  3. Green: This Vastu-compliant color can brighten up the kitchen and give it a vibrant and refreshing feel. It symbolizes growth and prosperity.
  4. Avoid black and grey: According to Vastu Shastra, these colors are believed to absorb negative energy, so it’s best to avoid them in the kitchen.
  5. Say no to dark shades: Dark and somber colors are considered undesirable in the kitchen according to Vastu principles. Opt for lighter shades that promote positivity.

Common Vastu Dosh in the Kitchen

Common Vastu dosh in the kitchen can have negative effects on the residents. Find out what causes these ill effects and how you can remedy them to create a positive energy flow in your kitchen.

Read more to learn about Vastu remedies for a Vastu-compliant kitchen.

Negative effects of Vastu dosh

Improper Vastu practices in the kitchen can lead to negative effects known as Vastu dosh. These doshas can have adverse effects on our health and well-being. They can cause health issues like paralytic attacks and brain hemorrhage.

Areas in the kitchen such as the North East zone and South West zone are especially susceptible to these doshas, which can result in ill health, instability, and indecision. It is important to address Vastu doshas in order to maintain a harmonious energy flow within the kitchen and minimize their negative impacts.

Causes of Vastu dosh

Improper placement of cooking appliances, cluttered cooking areas, poor ventilation, and inappropriate kitchen colors are some of the common causes of Vastu dosh in the kitchen. When the cooking appliances are not placed properly, it can create negative energy flow and disrupt harmony in the space.

Additionally, a cluttered cooking area can hinder positive energy flow and lead to stress and disharmony. Remember that poor ventilation in the kitchen can result in stagnant energy and affect the health and well-being of those using the space.

Moreover, choosing inappropriate colors for the kitchen can impact mood and overall energy balance. It is important to be mindful of these factors when designing a Vastu-compliant kitchen to ensure a harmonious living environment.

Vastu Remedies for a Vastu-Compliant Kitchen

To ensure your kitchen is Vastu-compliant, try incorporating Feng Shui tips and utilizing specific Vastu tools. These remedies can help bring positive energy into the space and counteract any negative effects of Vastu dosh.

Curious to learn more? Read on!

Feng Shui tips

When it comes to creating a Vastu-compliant kitchen, there are some Feng Shui tips that can help enhance the positive energy flow and create a harmonious space. One tip is to ensure that the kitchen is well-organized and clutter-free, as this promotes balance and harmony.

Another tip is to incorporate natural elements into the kitchen design, such as using wooden or stone countertops, which can bring in a sense of warmth and grounding. Additionally, choosing colors for the walls and decor that align with the principles of Feng Shui can also contribute to a more auspicious environment.

By following these simple Feng Shui tips, you can create a Vastu-compliant kitchen that not only looks beautiful but also supports positive energy flow for wealth and abundance in your home.

Use of specific Vastu tools

To ensure a Vastu-compliant kitchen, you can make use of specific Vastu tools. These tools can help enhance positive energy flow and balance the elements in your kitchen. For example, placing a brass or copper pyramid in the northeast corner of your kitchen can promote positive vibrations and harmonize the space.

Hanging wind chimes near windows or doors can also increase the flow of positive energy. Additionally, using mirrors strategically in the kitchen can amplify natural light and create a sense of spaciousness.

By incorporating these Vastu tools into your kitchen design, you can create a harmonious and balanced space that promotes positive energy and well-being.

Dos and Don’ts for a Vastu-Compliant Kitchen

Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind when designing a Vastu-compliant kitchen:

  • Do place the kitchen in the south – east corner if possible, as it is considered the best direction according to Vastu shastra.
  • Do consider the north – west direction as an alternative location for the kitchen, as it is associated with Vayu Devta and can also work well.
  • Do ensure that the kitchen is not located directly under or above a bathroom, as this is not recommended in Vastu guidelines.
  • Don’t have the kitchen in the center of the house with respect to Brahmasthanam, as this area should be kept open and without any heavy structures like kitchens.
  • Don’t neglect proper ventilation in the kitchen. It is important to have windows or exhaust fans to let fresh air circulate.
  • Don’t forget about cleanliness and organization. A clean and clutter-free kitchen helps maintain positive energy flow.
  • Don’t use dark colors in your kitchen design. Opt for light and soothing colors that promote a calm atmosphere.
  • Don’t have a kitchen that is too small or cramped. It’s important to have enough space for movement and preparing meals.

Exploring Other Vastu-Friendly Kitchen Locations

Other Vastu-friendly kitchen locations to consider include the North or Northeast direction, South-East corner, and South direction.

North or North-East

In Vastu Shastra, the North or North-East directions are considered to be very favorable for a kitchen. According to Vastu principles, these directions attract positive energies and can have a beneficial impact on your home and well-being.

Having a kitchen in the North direction is believed to bring wealth and prosperity. It is associated with the element of water, which symbolizes abundance. However, it is important to note that this direction may lead to increased expenses if not balanced properly.

On the other hand, the North-East direction is considered extremely auspicious in Vastu Shastra. This direction represents spirituality and progress. When you have a kitchen in this area, it creates harmonious vibrations that can enhance your overall energy levels.


The south-east direction is an important consideration when it comes to locating a kitchen according to Vastu principles. This direction is associated with the fire element, which makes it ideal for a kitchen.

In an east-facing house, having the kitchen in the south-east can bring positive energy and auspiciousness to the home. However, it’s important to note that the south-west direction is generally not recommended for a kitchen.

By following these guidelines, we can ensure that our kitchens are positioned in a way that promotes positive energy flow in our homes.


If the ideal southeast direction is not available for locating your kitchen according to Vastu principles, don’t worry. The south direction can also be a suitable alternative. In fact, it can be an auspicious location due to the predominance of Vayu, the elemental deity of air, in the north-west direction.

This connection with Vayu makes the south a favorable choice for your kitchen. Additionally, if you have a junction between the south and west directions known as Vayu Moola, it can also be a viable option for your kitchen’s location.

So, if you are unable to place your kitchen in the southeast direction, consider exploring these other options in order to create a Vastu-friendly kitchen space that aligns with positive energies and promotes harmony in your home.


In conclusion, according to Vastu principles, it is not recommended to locate the kitchen in the Northwest corner (Vayu Moola) as it is associated with the air element. The ideal location for the kitchen is in the Southeast corner (Agni Moola) or South East direction.

Following Vastu guidelines can help create a harmonious and positive energy flow in your kitchen space, promoting health and well-being. Remember that alternative options may be considered if the ideal location is not available, but they might not have the same benefits as a Vastu-compliant placement.


1. What are Vastu principles?

Vastu principles are traditional Indian architectural guidelines that focus on harmony and balance in building design, taking into account factors such as direction, energy flow, and placement of various rooms.

2. Can the kitchen be located in Vayu Moola according to Vastu?

No, according to Vastu principles, the kitchen should not be located in the Vayu Moola (northwest) area as it is believed to create imbalance and negative energy in the household.

3. Why is it not recommended to have a kitchen in Vayu Moola?

Having a kitchen in the Vayu Moola can lead to conflicts among family members, financial instability, and health issues according to Vastu beliefs.

4. Where should the ideal location for a kitchen be according to Vastu?

According to Vastu principles, an ideal location for a kitchen is either Agni Kon (southeast) or Dakshin Kon (south).


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