how to clean kitchen cabinets grease and effectively remove it 119143162

How to Clean Kitchen Cabinets Grease and Effectively Remove It

Are greasy kitchen cabinets tainting the joy of your culinary sanctuary? We’ve all experienced it – that sticky, grimy feeling that seems to cling stubbornly no matter how many times you scrub.

But don’t fear! With some savvy insider knowledge, like realizing the dynamo degreasing properties of simple household vinegar, tackling this issue becomes a breeze. This blog post guides you through time-honored techniques on effective ways to dissolve and kiss goodbye those grease stains off your kitchen cabinets.

Are you ready for your kitchen to shine again?.

Key Takeaways

  • Grease buildup on kitchen cabinets can be caused by cooking oils, splatters from frying food, and steam from cooking.
  • Regularly cleaning kitchen cabinets with simple household ingredients like white vinegar, dishwashing liquid, citrus cleaner, or baking soda can effectively remove grease.
  • Using a homemade vinegar cleaning solution or a soap and water mixture can help dissolve and remove grease from cabinets.
  • Applying a protective sealant or wax after cleaning can help prevent future grease buildup.

Understanding the Grease Buildup on Kitchen Cabinets

A photo of kitchen cabinets with visible grease buildup.

Grease buildup on kitchen cabinets can occur due to common causes such as cooking oils, splatters from frying food, and steam from cooking. It is important to clean it regularly to maintain the cleanliness and appearance of your cabinets.

Common causes of grease buildup

A photo of dirty kitchen cabinets with oil splatters and clutter.

Grease in a kitchen is common. It comes from cooking food, mostly frying. The oil and smoke float in the air and stick to cabinets. This makes them dirty over time. If you don’t clean them often, it gets worse.

The dirt mixes with grease to form grime on the cabinets’ surface. This happens more if your cabinet is near the stove or oven. Grease also sticks to wooden and laminate cabinets because of their rough texture.

Why it’s important to clean it regularly

A photo of a clean kitchen cabinet and various people.

Grease on kitchen cabinets can become a big problem if it’s not cleaned up often. It starts as small dots but soon spreads over the whole cabinet. This grease is hard to clean and it takes time.

But, this is why I clean my cabinets regularly. It stops the grease from getting too bad.

Keeping your kitchen shiny and clean also keeps it healthy. Grease has dirt and germs that are not good for you or your family. Plus, the look of a clean cabinet makes your whole kitchen seem better! Cleanness brings a bright feel to your home which we all love!

Removing Grease with White Vinegar and Hot Water

A person cleaning greasy cabinets using gloves and a spray bottle.

To remove grease with white vinegar and hot water, create a vinegar cleaning solution using equal parts vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the greasy cabinets and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a clean cloth or sponge.

How to make a vinegar cleaning solution

A spray bottle of vinegar cleaning solution on a clean countertop.

Making a vinegar cleaning solution is easy. You only need a few things from your home. First, grab a spray bottle to put the solution in. Then, take one cup of vinegar. Mix this with two teaspoons of borax. Next, add four cups of hot water to it. Pour in five drops of liquid dish soap too. Lastly, drop in 10 drops of tea tree oil. Now, close the spray bottle and shake it well to mix everything together.

Steps for using the solution to clean cabinets

A well-organized kitchen cabinet with sparkling dishes and utensils.

To clean your kitchen cabinets effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Mix equal parts white vinegar and hot water in a spray bottle or a bucket.
  2. Spray the vinegar solution onto a soft cloth or sponge.
  3. Wipe down the cabinets, focusing on areas with grease buildup.
  4. For stubborn grease stains, let the solution sit on the cabinet surface for a few minutes.
  5. Use a scrub brush or an old toothbrush to gently scrub away the stubborn grease.
  6. Rinse the cloth or sponge with clean water and wipe down the cabinets again to remove any residue.

How to Clean Kitchen Cabinets and Remove Grease with Dishwashing Liquid

A woman cleaning kitchen cabinets with a soapy sponge.

To clean kitchen cabinets and remove grease effectively, create a soap and water cleaning solution with dishwashing liquid. Combine a few drops of dishwashing liquid with warm water in a bowl.

Then, using a microfiber cloth or sponge, dip it into the soapy mixture and gently scrub the greasy areas of your cabinets. Rinse the cloth or sponge frequently in clean water to remove any excess soap and grease.

Repeat this process until all the grease is removed, then dry the cabinets thoroughly with a clean cloth.

Making a soap and water cleaning solution

A clean kitchen cabinet with various hairstyles and outfits.

To clean kitchen cabinets and remove grease, I make a simple soap and water cleaning solution. Here’s how:

  • Add a few drops of liquid dish soap to a bowl of warm water.
  • Mix the soap and water together until it becomes soapy.
  • Dip a cleaning sponge into the soapy solution.
  • Use the sponge to scrub away the grease on the cabinets.
  • Rinse the cabinets with clean water to remove any residue.

Proper techniques for using soap and water on cabinets

Clean kitchen cabinets with various people and photography equipment around.

When cleaning kitchen cabinets with soap and water, it’s important to use the proper techniques. Here are some tips:

  • Fill a bucket or sink with warm water.
  • Add a few drops of dish soap to the water and mix well.
  • Dip a clean cloth, sponge, or soft cloth into the soapy water.
  • Wring out any excess water from the cloth or sponge.
  • Gently scrub the cabinets using circular motions.
  • Pay extra attention to areas with greasy residue or tough stains.
  • Rinse the cloth or sponge frequently in the soapy water to keep it clean.
  • Wipe down the cabinets with a damp cloth to remove any soap residue.
  • Dry the cabinets thoroughly with a clean towel.

Remove Cabinet Grease with Citrus Multipurpose Cleaner

Remove Cabinet Grease with Citrus Multipurpose Cleaner 119143462

Using a citrus-based cleaner is an effective way to remove grease from kitchen cabinets; simply spray the cleaner directly onto the cabinets and wipe it off with a clean cloth or sponge.

Benefits of using a citrus-based cleaner

A woman joyfully cleans her kitchen cabinets with a citrus-based cleaner.

Using a citrus-based cleaner to remove grease from kitchen cabinets offers several benefits. First, these cleaners are effective at dissolving grease and removing stubborn stains. The natural degreasing properties of citrus peels make them powerful agents for breaking down greasy residue on surfaces.

Additionally, citrus-based cleaners can also eliminate dirt and grime, leaving your cabinets clean and fresh.

Moreover, using a citrus-based cleaner provides the added advantage of a pleasant scent. These cleaners often have a refreshing citrus fragrance that leaves your kitchen smelling invigorating instead of chemical-laden.

Steps for using the cleaner on cabinets

To use a citrus multipurpose cleaner to remove grease from kitchen cabinets, follow these steps:

  1. Get a bottle of citrus multipurpose cleaner from your local store.
  2. Shake the bottle well to ensure the ingredients are mixed properly.
  3. Spray the cleaner directly onto the greasy areas of your kitchen cabinets.
  4. Let the cleaner sit on the surface for a few minutes to allow it to break down the grease.
  5. Take a clean cloth or sponge and gently scrub the greasy areas in circular motions.
  6. Wipe away the loosened grease with a damp cloth or sponge.
  7. Rinse the cloth or sponge frequently during this process to avoid spreading grease around.
  8. Repeat the steps if necessary until all grease is removed from your cabinets.

Cleaning Kitchen Cupboards with Baking Soda and Lemon

Cleaning Kitchen Cupboards with Baking Soda and Lemon 119143642baking soda and lemon.” title=”A person cleans kitchen cupboards using baking soda and lemon.” class=”awimage” />

To effectively clean kitchen cupboards with baking soda and lemon, create a solution by combining equal parts baking soda and lemon juice. Use a sponge or cloth to apply the mixture to the greasy areas of the cabinets, gently scrubbing in circular motions.

Rinse with warm water and dry thoroughly.

The power of baking soda and lemon for grease removal

Baking soda and lemon are a powerful duo when it comes to removing grease from kitchen cabinets. They work like magic without the need for harsh chemicals. Baking soda acts as a gentle abrasive, while lemon’s acidity helps cut through the grease and grime.

Together, they can dissolve caked-on grease and leave your cabinets looking fresh and clean. Just mix equal parts baking soda and lemon juice to create a paste, then apply it to the greasy areas of your cabinets.

Let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a soft cloth or sponge. Rinse well, and enjoy your sparkling clean cabinets!

How to make and use the solution for cabinets

To make a solution for cleaning kitchen cabinets, you can mix one part water with two parts baking soda. This mixture can be used as a spot cleaner to remove grease from the cabinets. Another option is to use oil soap, like Murphy Oil Soap, which can effectively clean the cabinets.

Aftercare for Kitchen Cupboards

A person cleaning kitchen cupboards while wearing gloves.

To prevent future grease buildup on your kitchen cabinets, make sure to wipe them down regularly with a damp cloth and mild soap. Additionally, avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrub brushes that can damage the finish.

Finally, consider applying a protective sealant or wax to help repel grease and make cleaning easier in the future.

How to prevent future grease buildup

To prevent future grease buildup on your kitchen cabinets, it’s important to take some simple steps. First, make sure you regularly clean your kitchen floors as they can contribute to the accumulation of grease.

Scrape off any sticky greasy gunk from the tops of your cabinets to stop future buildup. Be mindful not to leave fingerprints on your cabinets by implementing measures like using handles or wearing gloves when opening and closing them.

Lastly, proper aftercare for your kitchen cupboards is crucial in preventing grease buildup. By following these tips and maintaining cleanliness, you can keep your cabinets free from grease and sticky residue.

Tips for maintaining clean cabinets

To keep your cabinets clean and in good condition, there are a few simple tips you can follow. First, make sure to wipe down your cabinets regularly with a soft cloth or sponge. This will help remove any dirt or dust that may have accumulated.

Second, avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners on your cabinets, as they can damage the finish. Instead, opt for gentle cleaning solutions like soap and water or vinegar and hot water.

Third, be mindful of spills and stains and clean them up as soon as possible to prevent them from setting into the cabinet surface. Lastly, consider placing shelf liners in your cabinets to protect them from scratches and stains caused by everyday use.

We Tried 5 Methods to Clean Greasy Wood Cabinets – And the Winner Is Ridiculously Effective

A person cleans greasy wood cabinets with a natural cleaning solution.

In this section, we’ll discuss our experience testing five different methods to clean greasy wood cabinets and reveal the most effective one.

Overview of the tested methods

I tried five different methods to clean greasy wood cabinets in my kitchen. These methods included using Murphy Oil Soap, Dawn dish soap, all-purpose Pledge spray, vinegar, and more.

After testing each method, I found that the vinegar soak method was the most effective at removing grease from the cabinets. It took me about 18 minutes to clean each cabinet using this method.

Overall, I would rate the vinegar soak method a 2 out of 5 for its effectiveness in cleaning greasy wood cabinets.

Results and effectiveness of each method

I tried five different methods to clean greasy wood cabinets, and one method stood out as incredibly effective. A combination of Castile soap, baking soda, and vinegar proved to be the winner.

It only took around 3 minutes per cabinet to get them looking shiny and grease-free. Another effective method was using a vinegar soak. If you prefer natural solutions, white vinegar, baking soda, and lemon can also help remove sticky grease stains from your cabinets.

And if you’re in a pinch, WD-40 may do the trick too!

How to clean greasy kitchen cabinets without damaging the finish

A photo of a kitchen cabinet being cleaned and various detailed portraits.

To clean greasy kitchen cabinets without damaging the finish, it’s important to use safe and effective methods. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbers that can strip or scratch the cabinet surface.

Instead, opt for gentle solutions like dish soap and water or a citrus-based cleaner. Use a soft cloth or sponge to gently wipe away grease, paying extra attention to stubborn areas.

Regular maintenance and proper care will help keep your cabinets looking clean and pristine without compromising their finish.

Importance of using safe and effective methods

When it comes to cleaning greasy kitchen cabinets, it’s important to use safe and effective methods. Using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners can damage the finish of your cabinets, making them look dull and worn out.

It’s always best to opt for gentle cleaners that are specifically formulated for kitchen cabinets. This will ensure that you remove the grease without causing any harm. Additionally, using natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon can be a great alternative to chemical cleaners.

These ingredients are not only safe but also effective in removing grease stains from your cabinets. So remember, choose safe and effective methods when cleaning your kitchen cabinets to keep them looking clean and pristine for years to come.

Tips for preserving cabinet finishes while cleaning

To preserve the finish of your kitchen cabinets while cleaning, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, avoid using harsh abrasive cleaners or scrub brushes that can damage the surface.

Instead, opt for gentle cleaning solutions like diluted vinegar or warm water with a few drops of dish soap. These will effectively remove grease without causing harm. Additionally, when wiping down the cabinets, use a soft cloth or sponge instead of rough materials that could scratch the finish.

Finally, after cleaning, make sure to dry the cabinets thoroughly to prevent any moisture from seeping into the wood and causing damage. By following these tips, you can maintain and protect your cabinet finishes while keeping them clean and free from grease buildup.

How to Remove Grease from Kitchen Cabinets (3 Methods)

A clean kitchen cabinet with cleaning supplies nearby.

To remove grease from kitchen cabinets, there are three effective methods you can try: dish soap and water, citrus-based multipurpose cleaner, and baking soda and water.

Dish soap and water

To clean kitchen cabinets and remove grease, you can use a simple mixture of dish soap and water. Just mix a few drops of dish soap with warm water to create a soapy solution. This solution can be used to effectively clean the cabinets and remove any greasy buildup.

Dish soap is recommended over dishwasher detergent for this cleaning method. In fact, it has been found to be the most effective in removing grease from the cabinets. So, next time you’re tackling those sticky greasy spots on your kitchen cabinets, remember that a few drops of dishwashing soap mixed with warm water can do wonders!

Citrus-based multipurpose cleaner

I highly recommend using a citrus-based multipurpose cleaner for removing grease from your kitchen cabinets. This type of cleaner contains citrus oil, which is a natural degreaser.

The d-limonene found in citrus peels is particularly effective at dissolving grease and grime. By using a citrus-based cleaner, you’ll be harnessing the power of nature to effectively remove grease from your cabinets.

Plus, the citrus oil acts as a deodorizer, leaving your cabinets smelling fresh and clean. It’s an easy and eco-friendly way to tackle those stubborn greasy spots on your kitchen cabinets!

Baking soda and water

To remove grease from kitchen cabinets, you can use a simple mixture of baking soda and water. This powerful combination creates a paste that effectively removes grease stains from wooden cabinets.

Just apply the paste to the stained area, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wipe it clean with a damp cloth. For painted cabinets, sprinkle baking soda on a damp sponge and scrub away dirt and grime.

Baking soda is also great for tackling stubborn grease stains when combined with vinegar. Mix equal parts baking soda and vinegar to create a solution that can be used to tackle difficult grease on kitchen cabinets.


A well-organized and clean kitchen with neatly arranged utensils.

Cleaning kitchen cabinets and removing grease can be a simple task with the right techniques. Whether you choose to use white vinegar, dishwashing liquid, citrus cleaner, or baking soda, these natural methods are effective in breaking down grease and leaving your cabinets clean.

Regular cleaning and maintenance will help prevent future buildup and keep your kitchen looking fresh. So grab your cleaning supplies and get ready to tackle those greasy cabinets for a sparkling kitchen!


What is the best way to clean kitchen cabinets grease?

The best way to clean kitchen cabinets grease is by using a mixture of warm water and dish soap. Apply the solution to a soft cloth or sponge and gently scrub the greasy areas.

Can I use vinegar to remove grease from kitchen cabinets?

Yes, you can use vinegar as an alternative method to remove grease from kitchen cabinets. Mix equal parts white vinegar and warm water, then apply it to a cloth or sponge for wiping away the grease.

Are there any commercial products that can effectively remove kitchen cabinet grease?

Yes, there are commercial degreasers available that are specifically designed for removing kitchen cabinet grease. Follow the instructions on the product label for safe and effective use.

How often should I clean my kitchen cabinets to prevent buildup of grease?

It is recommended to clean your kitchen cabinets at least once every few months or as needed depending on how much cooking you do. Regular maintenance will help prevent excessive buildup of grease.

Is it necessary to remove all items from my kitchen cabinets before cleaning them?

Removing all items from your kitchen cabinets before cleaning is not necessary, but it can make the cleaning process easier and more thorough. Take out any fragile or delicate items that may be damaged during cleaning.

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